
Posts Tagged ‘State of the Union’

I am posting several responses to the President’s speech on Wednesday night. Today I want to address the section on the Citizens United case. I won’t actually comment on the substance of the statement, but I do want to offer commentary on both Justice Alito’s and the President’s comments. For insight into the accuracy of the claims please read here and here.

I have no problem with the President asserting that he does not agree with a Supreme Court decision. I even believe that he could do so during the State of the Union Address, but the manner and tone of this President’s remarks were out-of-line. He was antagonistic and derisive in attacking a branch of the government. Instead of demagoguery the President should have offered ideas. He could suggest that Congress draft legislation to address the issue, but to call the credibility of the Court into question as he did is unconscionable.

Justice Alito found himself in a difficult situation. Decorum demands that Justices refrain from public comment and political involvement. He should have kept silent, but in a way I am glad he did not. If he had remained silent, this likely would only have raised a minimum of discussion on a fact check report. However, now the internet is ablaze with commentary on this quote.

In the end, he should never have been put in this position in the first place.

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While many had anticipated a center-ward “pivot” from the President last night, those who have followed the man know two things. First, he is a man of principles, and second, those principles are progressive. Despite campaign rhetoric and hopes of center-left government from pundits after the election, President Obama has governed according to progressive ideals without regard for polls and politics. While standing up for what you believe is an admirable trait, we here at Trending Conservative do not appreciate the leftward bent of this government. The American people do not agree with the government’s progressive policies. The people of Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts have voted against liberal politics. For all the Beltway talk of center “pivots”, those who know the President should not be surprised by his adamant liberalism.

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I thought it would be appropriate at this time to poll the public on their reaction to the President’s speech. I also thought it would be appropriate to have each answer feature the letter I as much as the speech did.

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